Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ramayana by Purna Vidya students

Subu started the Purna Vidya classes  for HMWorldcity kids last year. Kids have enjoyed each and every class of Purna Vidya. Saanvi is very enthusiastic about going to the PV classes and also about the stories and the morals she has learnt. We are all very thankful to Subu, Kavitha, Shivu and other Purna Vidya teachers for all their efforts in making our children understand our culture and mythology.

 To mark the occassion of one year completion Subu and team planned for enacting Ramayana by the kids. Kids were very enthusiastic about this and they practised for a few days. Saanvi was performing the role of Vishwamitra which had less dialogues and more scenes. She did it well. Infact all the kids performed their roles extremely well. I liked Amoha's scene where she depicted shurpanaka - excellent!!

Lot of effort has gone behind this performance from Subu and team. I too contributed a small part for selecting the background scenes and music. Thanks to the Purna Vidya teachers team again.

Here is the link to more snaps of Ramayana shared by Subu.

Ishaan turns five

Ishaan is 5 years old already. His birthday was on 20th February. Time has flown fast last few years. We still clearly remember a chubby baby came into our lives and changed it for better forever. Ishaan is very very naughty and there is always some or the other action around him.

Archana made this video post on facebook have a look.

Happy Birthday Ishaan!
Ishaan's birthday party was on 22nd Feb so that his best friend Bittu also attends and it is more convenient for everyone on a weekend.

Finally birthday snap with family
Generally Archana will be busy serving and arranging for kids that we miss taking a family snap. This time we managed to get it.

Kids played passing the parcel
Hotwheels cake
Ishaan's friends with their return gifts - goggles
Uncles came to wish Ishaan

Aunties - sorry girls

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Go Go Goa 2015

This is the route we took - 1500 Kms -5 days
Day 1
Started early morning on Saturday and there was relatively heavy traffic till Tumkur. We had breakfast near Harihar.

Flying mini cooper - near Bankapur
This mini cooper had entered the bus stop and it looks like it was going at 180+ kind of speed. Newly introduced speed breakers near this spot might be the cause of this.

Had lunch at Hotel Swaati in Hubli with Chennabasanna and finished some work. We reached Belgaum by the evening and checked in Ajanta Cafe Elite in RPD cross. This is a nice budget hotel similar to Ananth residency in Hubli. Do not miss bread toast and misal here.

Day 2

Attended a wedding ceremony at Belgaum the next day. There was also India Pakistan match, I could catch up Indian batting only.
Ishaan playing with Aarya

We started to Goa at around 3PM. Road through chorla ghat is pleasure to drive. Last time we drove through this route we had found tens of  thousands of beautiful butterflies. This time there we none.
Road is not very wide , but it is smooth and passes through thick vegetation and many beautiful views.

A view from Chorla Ghat
Roads were good everywhere and after so many trips, we have got hang of the roads in south goa. We reached Varca beach and checked in Club Mahindra resort by 6:00 PM. First thing Saanvi and Ishaan did was to run to the fun zone and got their CM passports stamped. We all got fresh and jumped in the pool. Ishaan had a lot of fun in the kids pool with a slide.

Day 3:

We hit the Varca beach first thing in the morning.
Good Morning Sunshine!

Waves were calm 

Saanvis creation with four entrances

Only Ishaan can describe this
We took a dip in the sea as well as the resort pool. Goa means beach - pool - food - repeat.

Look at Ishaans reaction
Saanvi won the prize at funzone and got certificate, Ishaan was sad all he wanted was to tear that certificate.

Family Snap - Checkout
 Checked out of varca and checked in into Emerald Palms in just a KM. And headed to Martins corner for lunch.

Martins corner - a Must visit in Goa

Mocktails were excellent!

After the heavy lunch we relaxed back at the resort and then headed to Palolem beach , to the south of Varca. Palolem beach had got completely transformed from the last time I visited in Aug 2014. This may be the effect of tourist season.
We missed the sunset due to the clouds

Palolem beach - floating swimming pool

So many shacks
Had dinner at Palolem beach resort restaurant with sound of waves

Ishaan's smile number 2

Day 4

We headed to Agauda fort after having breakfast at Colva.

sea and ships in the background not visible due to haze

lambuuji is almost at mom's level

Ishaan wanted a snap at the top of this incline.

Birthday coming near

In the evening we went to the Varca beach and had a clear sunset view. Waves did not disappoint either.

Google converted these series of snaps into gif

After a good dip, we had a long walk

Saanvi's art - Mermaid
Saanvi and Ishaan played a few games at the funzone
Had dinner at the resort itself

Musician sang a song for us

Relaxed by the pool after the dinner
Day 5: 

Checked out of the resort and headed to Hubli. 3 days went so fast they are not enough for goa.

Checkout time - we will be back soon
We took the Chandor - Mollem - Anmod route to Hubli. This is another scenic route. Road is not good for around 25 kms near Karnataka border. Also the Ghat is steep compared to the other routes to goa.
Anmod Ghat
Chandor had a lanes of splendid and beautiful old well mintained houses. We have to visit Chandor on next visit, it is a beautiful small town.

Siddharoodha matha @ hubli with Chennabasanna
Jatre Shopping - Ishaan smile 7

attended jatre after a long time

We headed back to Bangalore after lunch. I had to catch my bus to Belgaum in the night. We reached safely and were happy to be at our sweet home. Another successful trip with lots of memories.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ishaan's sports day

Ishaan was excited for his performance at the school for the sports day.
Ready for the sports day - over sized dress provided by school
Nursery Kids Performance
Weight Lifters
Pailwaan Ishaan
Waiting for other parents to go and traffic to ease
In front of primary section
All Parents - All kids
Sports day was more of some entertainment show with some small running and prize distribution ceremony. Everything is for show off. I wish school authorities get rid of these symbolic ceremonies.